Luggage Policy For Legends Guests
In an effort to improve the safety of your belongings when you travel to us, the Legends has implemented a luggage policy to ensure your belongings stay just that – yours! Please review the policy below and if you have any questions, please contact our Front Desk at (800) 552-2660 ext. 2555.
Any luggage sent to Legends Resort by any means in advance of your arrival will require the following information to be placed on the item to be accepted:
- Name of the guest and group name
- Date of arrival
- Phone number of guest
- Departure date
Any luggage should NOT be sent to Legends Resort prior to 7 days before your arrival date.
Any luggage that is sent to the Legends Resort prior to 7 days will be subject to a storage/holding fee of $10.00 per day.
Any items stored at Legends Resort for any guest will be held for two (2) business days after the guest departure from the facility.
Any item stored after two (2) days without being removed, Century Resort Management or its affiliates will attempt to contact the property owner for proper removal of said items under the direct cost to the property owner.
Luggage or property not claimed by its rightful owner will be forfeited and become property of Century Resort Management. It is at this time Century Resort Management will exercise its legal right to dispose of the property in whichever means it deems necessary.
Any guest requesting a third party (FedEx, UPS, USPS, Ship Sticks, etc.) will make their own arrangements for the pickup of said property. This procedure will be at the guest’s own expense.
Legends Resort (Century Resort Management) and its affiliates make no warranty of any kind – either expressed or implied, with respect to the goods and services or advertised at our facilities. Century Resort Management accepts no liability of any kind with respect to such goods and services or any damage resulting from the storage or acceptance of luggage or communication of language affiliated with storing of items. The guest must pay all fees, including but not limited to, sales taxes, import duties or the like charges resulting from the storage of luggage of communication of language affiliated with the storing of items.
Legends Resort or its affiliates are not responsible or liable for loss or damage to your golf clubs, luggage, or other personal property as a result of fire, theft, or handling of stored property. All guests or parties involved in the storing of or holding of items including, but not limited to (luggage/baggage, golf clubs, and personal items) shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless to shareholders, assigns, successors, partners, members, or related entities and employees from and against any claims, involving damages, losses and expenses, theft, misplacement, breakage, including but not limited to legal fees or actions resulting from the negligence or abuse affiliated in the storing or holding of personal property.